Webinar: HCPSS 2022 School Redistricting
Time: Friday, September 9, 2022, 8:00 – 9:30 PM EDT
Speakers: Dr. Yun Lu & Dr. Chao Wu
Zoom Meeting ID: 919 2484 9263
Passcode: 319498
In January 2022, HCPSS initiated the boundary review process including boundary modifications (i.e. school redistricting) to establish an attendance area for the New High School #13.
This Talk will review the Superintendent’s proposed school redistricting plan, redistricting process timeline, and public input opportunities.

在General Election到来之前,CAPA 将于9月10日周六以及9月25日周日举办两场候选人见面会(Candidate Forum)。请大家预留时间,不要错过这个与候选人面对面对话的机会!

𝗖𝗔𝗣𝗔 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘀 本地艺术家艺术展
欢迎家里有老人和学生的朋友来参加招待会,欣赏CAPA Cares老年艺术家作品,听CAPA Cares的志愿者讲述中国书画背后的故事,向州议员Katie Hester了解马里兰立法机构对于教育、税收等方面的最新动向和政策。还有中秋月饼试吃哦。

CAPA Green Adopt-A-Road Volunteers Needed!
Want to exercise, give back to our community, and make friends? Join CAPA Green “Adopt-A-Road” supported by the Howard County Department of Public Works.
Will receive 2.5 volunteer service hours

Webinar: Journey to the Prestigious Circle of Excellence Club
Time: Friday, September 30, 2022, 8:00 – 9:00 PM EDT
Speakers: Dottie Li
Zoom Meeting ID: 919 2484 9263
Passcode: 319498
Dottie Li will discuss her career path by sharing critical communication skills for immigrants. She will also answer questions through coaching.