AACE 2nd National Conference for Equal Education Rights
and Celebration of the One Year Anniversary of U.S. Supreme Court Rulings on SFFA v Harvard/UNC Cases

Dear Asian Americans and fellow citizens:

Please join AACE 2nd National Conference for Equal Education Rights on Saturday June 29, 2024. The conference is going to be the largest gathering of equal education rights leaders, scholars and supporters in America with two themes:

A. Policy Forum to Promote Equal Education Rights and Meritocracy:

Impact and implementation of SCOTUS’ rulings on SFFA v Harvard/UNC cases
The effectiveness and proper role of standardized testing in college admissions
How to restore meritocracy and improving K-12 for underperforming minorities

Keynote Speakers:

Mr. Patrick Strawbridge, the lead lawyer who argued the SFFA case in the U.S Supreme Court.
Prof. Gail Heriot, U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner, the hero behind Californians’ defeat of Proposition 16.

Distinguished speakers include Congresswoman Michelle Steel, Mr. Mike Gonzalez of the Heritage Foundation, Ms. Erin Wilcox of Pacific Legal Foundation, Dr. Richard Sander from UCLA, AACE President Yukong Zhao, AALF Secretary Lee Cheng, CFER President Frank Xu, TakeCharge President Kendall Qualls, BPCAE President Bentao Cui, Ms. Xi Van Fleet and many others.

B. Celebration of the One Year Anniversary of U.S. Supreme Court Rulings on SFFA v Harvard/UNC Cases

A group photo in front of the U.S. Supreme Court after the conference to mark the one-year anniversary of SCOTUS SFFA Rulings;
A celebration dinner in the evening to meet and take photos with heroes who helped fight and win for equal education rights for Asian and all other Americans.

Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill
400 New Jersey Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20001

Time: 9am-5pm EST, Saturday June 29, 2024
Lunch: Provided by the meeting
Celebration Dinner: Reserve using below registration form. ($80 per person, after a subsidization)
Payment due at registration
Payment link: https://asianamericanforeducation.org/en/payment (Provide your name and contact)

Registration: Required but Free of Charge: https://asianamericanforeducation.org/en/2024_national_conference/