Important Easy and Safe


We enthusiastically announce that Chinese American Parent Association of Howard County is awarded a $50,000 grant by the Maryland Department of Planning. CAPA will partner with the Howard County Complete Count Committee, diverse community organizations, foreign born groups to educate the public importance of Census 2020 to ensure a reliable and inclusive census count and increase the self-response rate among all people in the county.

The United States is required to perform a national count of all people living in each state every ten years (U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 2).

The 2020 census impacts Maryland in several important ways. The census:

  • Determines representation in Congress and impacts local legislative districts;

  • Is the basis for funding critical programs and services; and

  • Assists local decision-making for economic development, school construction and transportation projects, as well as public health, public safety and emergency planning.

Every Marylander Counts!

Get Counted in the 2020 Decennial Census

Complete the 2020 Census Today!

In mid-March, homes across the country began receiving invitations to complete the 2020 Census. It has never been easier to respond on your own, whether online, over the phone or by mail—all without having to meet a census taker.

April 1 is Census Day, a key reference date for the 2020 Census. When completing the census, you will include everyone living in your home on April 1, 2020.

Please go to to respond.

Events to Prompt Census 2020 by CAPA

  • 7/4/2019 July 4th River Hill Parade

  • 7/20/2019 – Present AST Sports – Running for Census

  • 8/3/2019 Partner Information Session

  • 8/24/2019 Montgomery County Public School Back-to-School Fair Census Promotion

  • 9/10/2019 Promotion and Volunteer Recruitment at HCASC (The Howard County Association of Student Councils)

  • 9/21/2019 Korean Festival

  • 10/5/2019 HCCS Centennial Park Family Fun Census Kick-off Event

  • 10/12/2019 Marriotts Ridge High School Mustang Market Census Booth

  • 10/20/2019 Diwali Mela Census Booth

  • 10/20/2019 Peiying Chinese School Census Training for Teachers

  • 12/20/2019 CAPA Census 2020 Community Grant Announcement

  • 1/12/2020 CAPA Census Training for Members

  • 2/29/2020 Community grants were awarded to 13 schools and organizations to prompt census 2020.

  • 3/5/2020 Grantee census training for Orchid Club

  • 3/6/2020 Grantee census training for Peiying Chinese School

  • 3/14/2020 Online grantee census training and sending out census yard signs.